Episode 3

Auntie Ash Supports Her Strong and Compassionate Nieces & Nephews

Ashley Cox is a wife, business owner, and Auntie Ash to 10 amazing nieces and nephews, ranging in age from 8 months to 28 years old. She also holds the honorary title of Auntie to her friends’ kids, as well as many of her neighborhood kids, all of whom she loves dearly. Ashley is proud to be an aunt and enjoys playing an important role in the lives of her kiddos!

We chat about how Auntie Ash is present with her nieces and nephews and allows them to express themselves. She supports her nieces and nephews by recognizing all of their character qualities and breaks through cultural gender norms - yes, girls are strong and boys are compassionate. She has learned to just be and live in the moment with her nieces and nephews and has become an aunt to the neighborhood kids.

You can learn more about Ashley, and her business, SproutHR at the links below. I love the SproutHR mission: We’re on a mission to help small businesses create 10,000 new jobs for women, minorities and underrepresented individuals. 

Website: www.sprouthr.co

Facebook: www.facebook.com/sprouthr.co

Instagram: www.instagram.com/sprouthr.co

In this episode:

1:00 Ashley's favorite thing about being an aunt

2:25 How Auntie Ash became an aunt to the neighborhood kids

5:20 How to support parents and their parenting style

7:17 The importance of breaking through gender norms and focusing on character qualities

9:30 How aunts can model positive self talk

15:09 Favorite memories with her nieces and nephews

18:25 What Auntie Ash has learned from her nieces and nephews

19:49 What they have learned from her

21:52 Advice for other aunts

Connect with other aunts in our Facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/auntecdotes.

If you would like to be a guest, please email me at auntecdotes@gmail.com.

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About the Podcast

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Stories From Favorite Aunts

About your host

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Heidi Frei

Heidi Frei is the host and producer of Auntecdotes. She has been an aunt for 24 years, and it is the joy of her life. She has nieces and nephews who range in age from 9 to 24. Heidi also hosts and produces the Single Soul Circle Podcast (www.singlesoulcircle.com).